Mining architectures

Filecoin allows anyone to setup a mining operation to participate in a global, distributed storage market.

This section provides examples for Filecoin Storage mining setups in the hope that they can help and guide other miners to plan and make the right choices when acquiring and setting up their mining infrastructure. Note that any storage mining setup must meet the minimal hardware requirements.

Protocol Labs example architecture

The following Lotus miner setup was published as part of the Guide to Filecoin Storage Mining (opens new window)blog post. A PDF is available for download here (opens new window):

Hardware unit

CPU model






Storage miner + Node

AMD Epyc 7402 (24 cores)

Nvidia Quadro RTX 6000



1x lotus 1x lotus-miner

The miner delegates sealing functions to the workers below.

PC1 workers

AMD Epyc 7F32 DP/UP (8 cores)



6 x 1-2TiB SSD scratch disk

6x lotus-worker

Runs 6 Lotus seal workers in parallel for PreCommit1 phase only.

PC2, Commit workers

AMD Epyc 7402 (24 cores)

2 x Nvidia Quadro RTX 6000


2-4TiB SSD scratch disk(s)

1x lotus-worker (PC2) 1x lotus-worker (Commit)

One workerdedicated to PreCommit2 and another to the Commit phase

Last updated